Anthias and Damselfish

Anthias and Damselfish
Anthias and damselfishare very popular fish for the marine aquarium. Specially anthias from the Indo-Pacific ocean of pseudoanthias species like jazzy orange coloured and easy to be maintained jewel- anthias pseudanthias squamipinnis, pseudanthias cooperi, pseudanthias dispar and pseudoanthias tuka are the ones usually marvelled at in the marine aquarium.Anthias are schooling fish and should thus be kept with at least 4-5 specimen. In the aquarium the anthias usually remain small which reach a final size of upto 13cm-15cm in the sea.

Due to the necessary school of fish, anaquarium of 500l is recommended. Damselfish like the known Chromis viridis (chromis) are schooling fish but they are a lot more aggresive than anthias and thus form couples and mark their territories. The same applies to other damselfishes too like yellowtail damsel (Chrysiptera parasema) or Dascyllus melanurus (Blacktail-dascyllus) which are also found in nature in schools but are very less in number in the aquarium. If one has a sufficiently large tank, then it is possible to keep a school of fish, in small tanks it becomes difficult to keep pairs.

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